Watch collecting - what if you cut a collection to the bare minimum

Feb 06, 2014,02:45 AM

One of the most consistent conversations I have with fellow collectors centres on the concept of concentrating a collection into fewer watches. I think when someone starts collecting watches, their respective pattern of collecting goes through potentially predictable cycles. It takes a few years for the various cycles to play out, but I think similar cycles develop for many collectors. Towards the latter part of these cycles, a collector often takes a look at the collection of various watches in a collection and wonders whether a collection has lost focus, grown too big and includes watches that rarely get wrist-time. Equally, a collector can look at a collection and decide that respective tastes have changed and that certain watches no longer ring the bell of approval that they used to do. And thoughts of rationalisation come to the fore. I spent some time with Nicolas and Blomman where we touched on the idea of what would we do if we had to cut our collections by 75%. For me, that would mean owning around a dozen watches. What would my dozen be and why would i make that selection? I thought this would be an interesting theme for a thread. Now, I will say from the off that I have about 5 watches that are just purely sentimental. They would be the very last watches that I would sell, and for that reason - sentimentality - I am excluding them from my thinking. Four of them are JLC and one is Omega. 

So, with a capacity to keep just 12 watches, what would they be and why? Well, I will start off just giving my list and then go through each of them, one by one, to explain my rationale. As you can imagine, this list excludes many watches that i adore. The JLC Reverso Rouge, for example, is a watch I adore but does not make it onto my final dozen. I hope to never see a situation where I need to rationalise to this extent, but still, the exercise is a healthy one, right? 

In no particular order, my final dozen;

1)  Patek 5070P

2)  JLC Tribute to Polaris 65 (Paris edition)

3)  Blancpain Fifty Fathoms AM 

4)  Panerai PAM 36

5)  Rolex 6239 Paul Newman Daytona

6)  Rolex 5512 

7)  Rolex 6200 Submariner

8)  Rolex 1665 DRSD Mk2 Patent Pending

9)  Rolex 6610 Red Depth

10) Rolex 16660 Sea-Dweller

11) Rolex 1665 Oman

12)  ?

The list is Rolex-heavy, but I guess that is not a particular surprise. Also, I have deliberately left the 12th spot vacant. One can never tell if a new addition would find a place!

First, some rationale for the split of manufacturers. Each manufacturer brings something quite unique to the table. From the very beginning, I have adored my 5070P. It brings something totally unique to my collection. It is the only platinum watch in the list. It is the only blue-dial watch in the list. It is, of course, a chronograph, and just one of two chronographs in the list. I could not envisage a situation where the 5070P was not in my collection. If the list above was just 5 watches, then the 5070P would be in that list too. I have argued before that when Rolex made the Daytona Paul Newman, they created something that was impossible to replicate. In the 5070P, Patek have their equivalent of a Paul Newman. For so many reasons, the 5070P is faulted. It doesn’t carry an in-house movement. Its case size is, to an extent, too big for the movement. For a Patek, the case size is atypically large. Yet, it is one of the most extraordinary watches to wear. It has something about it that cannot be captured in words. I called its dial, the “Mona Lisa” dial as that was apt. The Mona Lisa is, technically, not a great painting. Yet, it has something that is magical…it has captured something special. The 5070P is the same.

The JLC Tribute to Polaris 65 is also a watch for my top dozen. It is the only watch from JLC in the list (though to be fair, i cheated a little here as I have 4 JLCs in my sentimentality list!). It is the only watch in the dozen with an alarm function. The elegance of the Polaris 65 is evident. Indeed, I once owned an original, yet it gives me greater pleasure to own the Tribute than it does the original. Why? Because when I think of the original, I know it serves its owner with a greater purpose than it could ever have served me, and that makes me very happy. To look at the Tribute and love it AND at the same time derive pleasure from knowing where the original is combines to give a double boost to my enjoyment. The Tribute to 65 is, in any case, much rarer!!! It also brings a great diversity to my overall list.

I have a great passion for diving watches. The Blancpain makes it onto my list with ease. It is the only Blancpain, but it is so clearly different to the Rolex divers in the list. It adds an overtly vintage feel to the list and with that has a touch of mysticism regarding the AM feature on the back. Marcello and Nicolas know this watch well. The Blancpain exhibition in Paris provided a certificate for this watch stating that it had been issued to the US navy. Nicolas would argue that about 5 or so AM-issued watches have surfaced with respective serial numbers running between 1-150. The watch looks fabulous to wear and has that issued-history that so appeals to me. This is not hard to include in my dozen.

The Panerai PAM 36 inclusion is somewhat controversial. Only two years ago, I put the watch into an auction only to see bidders queue up. I withdrew it from the auction. I changed my mind. Again, this is the only Panerai in the list and it offers no particular complication. It is on my list, however, because there are days when nothing other than a Panerai will do. And, on those days, nothing feels much better to me than the PAM 36. One of the very first Vendome special editions. Just 200 were made and the allure of the titanium case and chocolate brown dial is astonishing. It offers something totally different to my collection and for that reason it is included in my final dozen. Adding diversity to my collection is a major factor for me.

But now, onto the Rolex. That is a much harder task to break down. My 1665 Rail Dial, for example, is not on my list. I sat and thought about it and rationalised that I just wouldn’t sell my 1665 Rail Dial. On the other hand, if i am only to keep 12 watches, would i sell my DRSD MK 2 Patent Pending ahead of my Rail Dial? Of course not. On my hypothetical list of 5 watches, it can safely be assumed that the DRSD Mk2 sits comfortably next to the 5070P. Yes, the first Rolex on my final dozen would be the 1665 Mk2. I have adored this watch from the moment I first saw it. It is my favourite Rolex by a margin. With the dial tropicalised to a gorgeous chocolate hue with the red print standing out against that backdrop, the watch is stunning to my eye. It also represents a key part of Rolex dive history. The prototype dive watches issued in this era were the pioneers of what was to make Rolex iconic. The 1665 represents, to me, the tool watch that broke Rolex into a new era. I take the Mk2 over my pair of Mk1s simply because of the breathtaking tropical Mk2 dial. 

With one 1665 in my list, why then select another 1665? So much about the final dozen is about having diversity and bringing something different to the table. Why include the 1665 Oman? Answer - I just couldn’t NOT include the Oman. Yes, it is the same reference as the DRSD, but it is so different from the dial. It has a pure black dial with no lume on the markers. That makes it really stand out. It also has the Sultanate crest on the dial - one of just 4 known to exist. I will be honest, that scarcity when it is sitting on my wrist sends a frisson up my arm!! Could i do without that feeling? Further, the history behind the watch is fascinating. A batch of 10 were issued in the 1970s, and Rolex have confirmed at service that the special order was from the Sultan of Oman and that the watches were issued to reflect acts of valour. Can i link the watch to a specific act? No. Does that matter to me? No. It was awarded, most likely, to a soldier involved in the Omani civil wars in which UK soldiers were involved. (Full review of this coming soon). Would this make it to my final 5?

Uhm, the 6200. A contentious addition? I found this watch by luck. To be fair, I was actually hunting a 5510 when a dealer approached a friend of mine who happened to be standing next to me at the time. The dealer had just bought the 6200 as part of a trade for a Patek and just wanted to turn it into cash as quickly as he could. He was not really a vintage dealer and definitely not in pieces like the 6200 - he had taken a gamble in trading for it. My friend, on the other hand, has been dealing in vintage Rolex for over 30 years. He looked at the 6200 and told me it was a no-brainer…a must-have addition for me. I bought it. To be honest, I didn’t love it, but it was the big crown addition that would fill the gap until a 5510 arrived. Slowly, but surely, i came to realise I had the best big crown I could possibly find. When Nicolas saw it, he took it to bed with him. Seriously. Literally. LoL…I started to grow much fonder of it. Fondness that has grown to the point that it now sits easily in my top dozen. The very first big crown issued by Rolex. Many believe 6200s were issued heavily to the military. Certainly a fair share of those that have surfaced had military provenance. Some argue that the 6200 is the very first Submariner. Nicolas, Marcello and I had an interesting debate on this. Three Submariners came at almost the same time. Could the 6200 have been the very first Submariner? Plausibly yes. Gilt dial. 3-6-9. Big crown. Massive presence on the wrist. It stands out like a king. Definitely could not let this one slip off the top dozen. Is it in my top 5? Uhm. My review of the 6200 will be sent very shortly, and i will insert a link in due course.

The 6239 Paul Newman is the second chronograph in my dozen. I remember very well taking my teenage son to Monaco with me to meet up with the seller. It was a fabulous father & son trip. we had such a ball. Of course, as a result the 6239 I bought there carries some fabulous memories for me. In this sense, it should probably be in my sentimentality list. But actually, even if it wasn’t sentimental, I would include it in my dozen. The Paul Newman just has something special. It carries that history and racing panache all at the same time. I used to own several Daytonas, but over time all have been sold barring two 6239s. I keep the Paul Newman version. There is nothing in my dozen that looks anything like the 6239 and it adds dimension for that reason. Is it in my Top 5 (excluding sentimentality)?

The 6610 Red Depth is one I have had in my collection for a while. It has been my avatar for a long period too. It is certainly the case that nothing much looks like the 6610 in my collection. To have a final dozen without a Rolex Explorer would also feel wrong. This Red Depth, of course, has the added advantage that it was one I came across by fluke - albeit I was on the hunt for one. I have researched this watch in a lot of detail. Marcello has similarly chronicled the various history of the watch. So few of these Red Depths exist, having been in production for maybe just a year. To find one in this condition certainly makes me happy. I have been looking to add to my 6610 red Depth for about 4 years now. In that time, I have seen just one other Red Depth that was free from “issues” but its condition was very poor. If i had to find another 6610 Red Depth, I could no be sure of managing to do that. For a watch like the 6239 Paul Newman, if I needed to buy another, I could do so inside a month easily. 6610 Red depth? That would take definitely longer. Of course, that makes it special, but for a Top 5 slot, is it more special to me than the 6239? This is where passion takes over……

Rolex 5512 makes it, perhaps surprisingly, into my top dozen. The first protected crownguard Rolex. It typifies what most people conjure in their minds when they think Rolex. It is, to be fair, the archetypal Rolex. That makes it an appealing addition to my top dozen. However, when you find a 5512 with a perfect gilt dial and original bracelet (Gay Freres), it adds to the poignancy of the watch. I get enormous pleasure wearing this 5512. Although it would not be in my Top 5, it would equally not be near the bottom of my Top 12.

Finally, the Rolex 16660. If I wanted to find a 16660 by the end of the week, I could do so. This is not an especially rare watch at all. However, finding one with the sort of patina that this one has is pretty hard, especially if you are going to be picky and demand original box, bracelet and punched papers. I adore wearing this watch. It is most definitely one of my favourite watches to wear as it is so versatile, with such a strong personality. I am guessing that many will think it a tragedy that I don’t include either of my Mark 1 Patent Pendings in the top dozen, but include a simple 16660. My rationale is easy. This list is not about monetary value. It is about having a collection that I am passionate about wearing. To look at, there is not a big difference between the Mk2 and Mk1 1665, and i prefer the dial on the Mk 2. Hence, no point in having two almost identical watches….so the Mk1s don’t get a slot….the Mk2 does….as does thee 16660!

So, if i narrowed it down to just 5 watches, what would they be? I think it is easier to pick 5 than it is to pick 12. Top 5, in no order of preference; 5070P, 1665 Mk2, 6200, 6610 and the final one on the list would be my Blancpain AM.  I would throw in my 16660 as the beater!

With these five (+1), I am not sure I would need any others. Perhaps I am missing a yellow or rose gold dress watch, but wouldn’t the 5070P work fine for a dressy occasion? A tool watch beater - what better than the 16660. The overtly classy but powerful icon - the 6200. Rolex history - the 1665 Mk2. I am covering three styles within Rolex; Explorer, Sub and Sea-Dweller. I am covering the chrono and dress(ier) watch with the 5070P. It was a true tear between the Blancpain and the 6239. The Blancpain won solely because I already had a chrono in my Top 5. I am sure others would take a different path on Top 12 as well as Top 5, but that is the beauty of our hobby - personal preference has no arbiter.

But now, I lay the gauntlet down for others. If you had to narrow down to 12, or 5, or just 2? Nicolas/Blomman....we had the detailed discussion. Now it is my fun.... let's see how you deal with this exercise?!?!?

This message has been edited by Baron on 2014-02-07 11:26:51

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I always knew

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 6th, 2014-02:57
that you are man with principles ;) and firm decision maker Love your thoughts and post although I think that slot number 12 is already taken.... so nothing to worry about any more you can ship Reverso Red to me :) Best D ...  

ah yes....that would be No.1

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-04:16
...but firmly on my sentimental list. And you, my friend, a man of ideas. Some of them quite good. Others, not so much.


 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 6th, 2014-05:57
??? :) D

Only if you are

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 6th, 2014-10:00
commie LOL!!! Seriously it is indeed sentimental pieces for many of us for many different reasons but all pure ones Sincerely my dear Joe D

But you are cheating, if you don't count the " affective ones "!

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-05:23
12 watches to keep, and all the others to sell... Damn tough game... 1/ The Rolex 6542. I can't see myself without it. 2/ The Tudor 7924. Same reason. 3/ Ulysse Nardin Sonata. The poetry of this Watch is as important as its friendly character. 4/ JLC Pola... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-05:42
A very quick and pointed response....the pressure really is on B-Man now. I only cheated a little...just 5

I did notice that...whereas I had a 4:1 ratio

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-05:48
I think, if i was pushed, my Reverso Retrograde may form watch

A good 12th. I have so many watches in mind that it will first be

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-05:54
Mandatory to make a selection, to reduce my selection from my wish list, before reducing the collection. This Reverso Retrograde makes me think about the Gran Sport Chronograph, which is also retrograde ( almost the same movement, with a lower level of fi... 

Luckily. ..

 By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : February 6th, 2014-06:11
I don't have 12 watches yet! I have 8 (one of which was my dad's vintage Rolex passed down to me so not really what I bought so 7 to be exact) so some way to go before I need to trim my collection :D I think 12 is a nice collection and I am keen to read w... 

ah, but same rules apply....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-06:15
......if you have to cut by 75%, and excluding the sentimental watch, that means going from 7 to....2. What would you do?

Tough one but good scenario to think thru. ...

 By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : February 6th, 2014-06:47
I will keep my dynamic duo. The two black dial Chronos I have. Montblanc Villeret Chronograph grand feu emanel and Lange Datograph. :) See the lovely pair here :) Impossible to part with them! Cheers Robin ...  

Thanks Nicolas but don't you find something missing...

 By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : February 6th, 2014-07:16
A duometre to complete the chronograph trilogy? I still can't get over the 42mm size which somehow is a tad big for me. Will slowly revisit and try again. Or I should start doing some wrist weights building to increase my wrist size!! Cheers Robin

There is a certain Q.L which is 40, 5 mm. But this is not a Chronograph.

 By: amanico : February 6th, 2014-07:40
How big is your Montlblanc Villeret? In case of... Sports ia always a solution, for desperate cases only. :) Best, Nicolas.

MB Villeret is 41mm

 By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : February 7th, 2014-03:10
but it has a curved back and also has the leather strap in the space between lugs so it does not look too big as the lugs dont seem to "protrude" out of my wrists (the leather filling the space creates that optical illusion too). A clever design and hence... 

So, the Quantieme Lunaire would be perfectly sized for you.

 By: amanico : February 7th, 2014-06:38
But give another try to the " A Chronographe "... It is really Worth it. Best, Nicolas

It really is a tough thing to do....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-06:54
.....but actually, I think it concentrates the mind to determine just what is central to a collection and what out is that motivates our enjoyment. For me, having some diversity was crucial. As my wife keeps telling me, all the Rolex just look the same...... 

Fully agree with you Joe!

 By: jrwong23 (aka watchthebin) : February 6th, 2014-07:01
I also like diversity. I still lack some pieces eg a non-round case watch, a grand complication, an artistic piece like the chopard urushi series etc etc. But your post is great Joe. Makes me think from 7 to 12, how can I focus my next few pieces so that ... 

Interesting thread...

 By: tudorctin : February 6th, 2014-08:27
Although I have only 6 watches I became more cautious, more selective. There are watches I like but I try to refrain myself from buying… It's not easy. What I'm trying to say, I prefer to wait for the "right" one or ones. Less watches but better quality. ... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-08:31
.....this issue of less watches but higher quality is really what is at the heart of the discussion. I go through the debate many times..... if i sold 15 watches that were at the "lower" end of my collection (and I mean lower in terms of how much enjoymen... 

It's good to be restrained and thoughtful ...

 By: AndrewD : February 7th, 2014-21:13
... but it is also incorrect to think of watches that you sell later as a 'mistake' or a bad 'investment'. Each watch hones your taste and provides an education. It's not always possible to decide what you love and what you don't until you live with them ... 

+1 So true

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 8th, 2014-02:58

Allow me to clarify...

 By: tudorctin : February 13th, 2014-01:27
Andrew, First of all thank you for your reply. I buy watches because I like them, I don't see them as an investment. I haven't sold yet a watch. I cannot. I simply cannot selling them. There are plenty of watches I like but I cannot buy all of them. So I ... 

But with a name like Tudorctin....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 10th, 2014-05:38
......does that mean a Tudor fan?

Tudor is...

 By: tudorctin : February 13th, 2014-01:31 family name. Regards, Constantin

Really? WOW, in this case!

 By: amanico : February 13th, 2014-01:38

no Comex or Milsub ?????

 By: marcello pisani : February 6th, 2014-08:55
quoting John Lennon & Paul... " I don't love you anymore ".. LLOOLLLLLL ...  

Patent Pending or Comex?

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-09:28
No question for me...... LoL Milsub or 1665 Oman? No question for me!!!

WHAT a dozen...

 By: ocwatching : February 6th, 2014-09:28
and I shutter to think what didn't make the list... all venerable pieces.. being a PAM nut at heart..would the 36 make your cut down to five? your Sub Collection is amazing...

down to 12, yes....down to

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-09:55

Hmmmm....2 out of my 6

 By: Kartik : February 6th, 2014-09:33
Fun post, that really got me thinking about my little collection. Fortunately, it's only 6 pieces, so didn't take that much time! A few conclusions: 1. I am definitely a quality over quantity guy -- would much rather wait to get a great watch than buy sev...  

Push comes to shove....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-10:13
.....many people CAN narrow it down aggressively. I must say, I would be torn at leaving that Reverso off the list!!

How do you stay married...

 By: kennygfunk : February 6th, 2014-09:40
to so many watches? There are always new models coming along that make me turn my head and question what I already have. My question to you is, "How do you not consolidate to 75% or far less?" Surely, there has to be something that you want for now that w... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-10:10
....i think it makes a big difference that at least three quarters of my watches are vintage. The fact that a vintage watch has been around for a long time means that there has also been a long time to work out what I like. It is also true that vintage do... 

Evil mind game.........

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-10:21
First of all, my friend - your "Ocean's eleven" are marvelous! Second, (since I know many of the other watches you have) how where you able to select these?! :) Yes, we have discussed this a lot. Don't know if you ever noticed, but for me - this is a very... 

OK OK.... i don't want you wrapping any room with plastic....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 6th, 2014-10:30
.....when i said what 12 watches would you keep...for you i missed the 0....what 120 watches would you keep? Happier?

A bit easier... Not much ....! ;) [nt]

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-10:39

Owner of..

 By: Ares501 - Mr Green : February 6th, 2014-10:45
"Shop that never sells" is not eligible for this game :) :) but if that ever happens..God forbid.... I can help you drink it through instead of wrapping room in plastic it is much healthier ;) Best my dear friend D

LOL! I will definitely call you...

 By: blomman Mr Blue : February 6th, 2014-11:03
Dear friend! We would drink our sorrows away! ;) Thank you for understanding... Best Blomman

To choose twelve...

 By: pplater : February 6th, 2014-11:22
...or five, or two, is to admit to owning them in the first place. Every happily married person knows that to be matrimonial suicide. So - sorry - maybe it would be possible to play, maybe it wouldn't, but in either case it ain't going to happen! :-) Chee... 

Amazing choices to have but.....

 By: daytonaman799 : February 6th, 2014-14:25
Since your COMEX didn't make the list....LETS MAKE A DEAL!!!! The Omani is epic. That beats a milsub to me any day of the week. I would love to know how you got that one! your other choices seem to strike the right balance of sentiment vs just what's fun ... 

Very interesting topic.

 By: Iceman : February 6th, 2014-16:29
I was just thinking about the same lately. What if i cut my collection to 5. What would it be? In no particular order 1) Rolex 8171 2) lange PLM tourbillion 3) AP Royal oak skeleton 15305 4) Rolex 6239 Daytona tropical 5) DREAM WATCH .............??????? ...  


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 7th, 2014-07:28
.....of the watches of yours that I have seen, then i would say that the two you have chosen would be the two I would have chosen!! I guess it looks highly unlikely we will ever trade!!! I think the exercise of rationalisation is a healthy academic one to... 

Thank you so much for such a wonderful collection...

 By: jeffrey2 : February 6th, 2014-19:12
I felt like I was being escorted through history's most wonderful pieces. Love your MK 2 PP and the 5512. I also admire the condition of each one of your pieces -- truly excellent. I hope you don't ever have to sell any of your collection because you trul... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 7th, 2014-03:34
.....that is very kind. I will admit that building the collection with care, consideration and patience has added enormously to the joy. I think when i first started collecting, I went at it at 100mph. However, the pieces that have come to form the core o... 

I can do this . . .

 By: Dr No : February 7th, 2014-07:56
. . . but will undoubtedly feel like this guy . . . . . . after the exercise in excision is over. We get to exclude the heirloom pieces, right? That means the two Seikos and single Longines passed down from Dad aren't subject to the culling. I'll ask for ...  

That leaves a baker's dozen in my collection . . .

 By: Dr No : February 7th, 2014-08:15
. . . so getting down to a dozen is easy! The IWC goes. No love lost there. Getting down to five? Now, that's tough! Can't do without the crowning piece of my vintage collection, the Omega chronometre. Can't do without the G O that started it all. Can't d...  


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 7th, 2014-08:43
nice to hear that it was so easy to do..... and by the way, stereo isn't all its cracked-up to be! I do have a particular favourite of yours....the "Black Connie"

Your 6610 . . .

 By: Dr No : February 7th, 2014-08:51
. . . could find a home in my collection. And I'm not even a Rolex guy ;-) . . .

i am working on you....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 7th, 2014-08:53
.....and the SD reminds you of that girl too! An excellent reason to own one

Ah, you remember Boston Rosie! Lovely lass . . .

 By: Dr No : February 8th, 2014-12:54
. . . with hints of Loren, and a Seadweller to boot. Perhaps you forgot her downside: ten cats, all black. :-)

10 black cats?

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 8th, 2014-13:19
Please don't say a cupboard full of broomsticks too? I am thinking Witches of Eastwich

You knew . . .

 By: Dr No : February 8th, 2014-14:11
. . . this was coming ;-) . . .

I absolutely concur. That is a watch for you, my dear friend.

 By: amanico : February 7th, 2014-08:55
Red writing or not, you will love it. Next time I come by your neck of the wood ( correct? ) I will bring it for you to play with. Caution, pure poison. ;) Best, Nicolas.

' . . . neck of the . . .

 By: Dr No : February 7th, 2014-09:03
. . . wood s ', Nicolas. I know, English is such an illogical language, but there you have it. PS - bring Joe with you next time - he needs to explore Maggie just as much as I need an Explorer!

Woods! Ok! I will bring Joe and the 6610s with me! ;)

 By: amanico : February 7th, 2014-09:11
Maggie, be ready! Nicolas

Attaboy! . . .

 By: Dr No : February 7th, 2014-09:30
. . . Joe will never be the same after a session with Maggie ;-) . . .

I can witness that. ;)

 By: amanico : February 7th, 2014-09:36

My mind is wandering. A lot.

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 7th, 2014-09:57
But this is a road trip that will happen.

My Top 5

 By: chintu : February 7th, 2014-08:56
1. Lange Datograph Perpetual - Iconic derivative of the Datograph; Handwound Perpetual, with the impeccable Lange finish of course 2. JLC - Reverso Perpetual : The only perpetual calendar with a rectangular, formed movement; Manual Wind; Limited edition; ... 

Narsi, you have excellent taste!

 By: amanico : February 7th, 2014-08:59
Wow, you are a big fan of perpetual calendars to include 3 in your top five! Great selection, even if I am not very found of the Dato Perpetual, as I much prefer the Dato and the Langematik perpetual dissociated. But that is just my crazy and poor mad min... 

The reasons I chose Dato-perpetual

 By: chintu : February 8th, 2014-09:58
There are four reasons for choosing the Datograph Perpetual. 1. IMHO - Chronograph is indispensable to any collection; and what better than a Datograph. To add a perpetual on top ( and more importantly as fully integrated movement) is the icing!. 2. Secon... 

This is a remarkable write - up.. Very interesting.. And..

 By: hs111 : February 7th, 2014-12:41
.. I meanwhile have read and re- read it 3 times ( to follow the reasoning and to understand or better, relate the characteristics of each watch with thoughts); not only that I learned a lot, your description of " collecting cycles" was ringing a bell.. S... 

H - as always, many thanks for your words, and

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 7th, 2014-12:43
Great that you are giving it thought!

Cutting back

 By: Gary G : February 7th, 2014-14:04 actually something I am working on right now in anticipation of one committed incoming watch and two other possible near-term acquisitions (sigh -- when will I learn?). If those were in play (I am leaving them out for now) this list might change qui... 

Gary....fascinating choices....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 8th, 2014-03:00 is a great exercise to go through i think even if you are not cutting down.

. . . and what of . . .

 By: Dr No : February 8th, 2014-12:51
. . . the Grönefeld, Gary? Does it not make the cut? Art

Top 12

 By: cameraclock : February 8th, 2014-04:34
Top 12 if my collection would be (not in a particular order) 1. Lange Datograph Perpetual Calendar Chronograph Platinum 2. Jaeger Master Grande Tourbillon Platinum 3. Patek 5070G 4. Patek 5960P 5. Lange Richard Lange Platinum 6. Jaeger Master Eight Days P... 

So, these are 12 watches that you already own...

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 8th, 2014-04:39
......or the Top 12 if you were to build a collection?

That's the most interesting thread since a while...

 By: Fricks : February 8th, 2014-05:24
... Missed chatting with you Joe. Thanks Joe from starting the year by reminding us one of the hardest process watch collectors face : Dilemmas, tough choices, shrinking a collection for budget reasons, funding a piece and being forced to choose this over... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 8th, 2014-05:30
....really pleased that you enjoyed the thread so much. I am fascinated by your selections too..... I know that I would be deeply upset if i had to make the culling down to 12 watches or 5.... so many wonderful watches collected over the many w... 

Joe, that exercice has been very helpful actually

 By: Fricks : February 8th, 2014-09:44
... it has made me realize that even if i do not wear it a lot, (love of Patek being the main cause) my AP skeleton has a much bigger importance in my collection than i thought it has. I've been wearing for 10 years mainly a royal oak chrono steel, when i... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 8th, 2014-09:50
....taking a step back really helps. There will always be watches out there that I want....crave...etc. Yet, when I ask myself the question.....would i be willing to sell one of my Top 12 to buy the one I crave "if i had to", then that tells me how desper... 

This topic got me during a major reorganization ...

 By: nilomis : February 8th, 2014-15:04
By the end of 2013 I notice how disjointed was my small collection and what I had was not a collection but a disorganized gathering. I did a process, that continues, to "terminate" some pieces that were not aligned and I did few acquisitions that made my ... 


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 9th, 2014-00:50
......each day that I collect watches makes me realise just how important cohesion is. Possibly the most important thing for me....

Thanks for the "push" ...

 By: nilomis : February 9th, 2014-17:03
Today I did a trade (two by one) that should increase the cohesion of my, now smaller, collection. I believe that we need to open another thread only to discuss the cohesion of our collections. Cheers, Nilo

12 watch shortlist is TOO easy

 By: MTF : February 8th, 2014-18:08
Baron, I am moving house now so your question is very timely (sic) as we are considering culling the herd. Another thread touched on how many watches does a gentleman need....REALLY need? I proposed 3 watches is the magic number because a gentleman must h... 

Watches have changed since 7 years BUT

 By: MTF : February 9th, 2014-00:24
In 2006, our choices limited by size of the aluminium box: Ulysse Nardin 1862 London commemorative edition x 2 pieces. Cartier various CPCP pieces. AP Jules Audemars Tourbillon Chronograph. FPJourne Tourbillon Remontoir. FPJourne Resonance. Lange Datograp...  

That makes a bit more than 3. :)))

 By: amanico : February 9th, 2014-00:27
But the Cartier Tortue Monopsuher is WOW! A great Watch. So class, so distinguished. Best, Nicolas

We had 3 each that were super special

 By: MTF : February 9th, 2014-00:37
Only the aluminium box was big. In a rush, we had three watches each that were top grab. MTF: Cartier Tortue time only: 40th birthday gift from the then and current Mrs MTF. AP Tourbillon Chronograph: at that time this was my selected burial watch. FPJour... 


 By: amanico : February 9th, 2014-00:51

Boy o Boy..... i am so pleased that when i made my Top 12....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 9th, 2014-00:54
.....i didn't include the watches that had been "stolen" by Mrs. Baron!!!

Interesting post. I sometime ask myself this question...

 By: Sandgroper : February 9th, 2014-06:26
Which watch could I part with, if I had to either trade for one I would madly fall in love with or simply because of financial constraints. Unlike you Mr Baron, I couldn't possibly cut my collection to only twelve watches! Blimey, how could someone live w...  

You already have a superb collection, my friend.

 By: amanico : February 9th, 2014-06:39
And, by the way, I will kill you if you let the GP Foudroyante Rattapante go... Even if it doesn't come with the right box and papers! What a Watch! Best, Nicolas.

Ah! So now I have two people who will kill me......

 By: Sandgroper : February 9th, 2014-07:09
Maritza and you;) don't worry, this GP will only go in the best of homes, 116 steps up the sky;) Cheers my friend Francois from Down Under

Bruce Springsteen? :) [nt]

 By: amanico : February 9th, 2014-22:24

No, no, I am talking about the Big Boss or is it.....

 By: Sandgroper : February 10th, 2014-01:07
Bossess, like Baron and Baroness:) Cheers Francois from Down Under

;) [nt]

 By: amanico : February 10th, 2014-01:17


 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 9th, 2014-07:08
....first of all, I LOVE your collection. I really do. I love the variety and the cohesion of the watches. Fabulous. To be honest, I look at your collection and it makes me feel that I "need" several of them!! And Bravo for making the cull to 5...a really... 

Thank you Joe for your kind words, I really appreciate..

 By: Sandgroper : February 9th, 2014-07:23
Out of the 10 there are really only 9 but the Stop2Go is great. I only got it last week and its fun, the perfect "tool" watch for what I do and I definitely don't need glasses to see the time:) Now, I should get my JLC UT Jubilee by the end of the year an... 

funny post since I recently told myself to...

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : February 10th, 2014-16:02
...try to go ( and stay ) to a 5 pieces max. Why? Just recently started collecting (at least that is what a lot of people here call it, you could also call it giving-in-to-compulsive-buying). Started buying 'real' watches since 2010 so am a novice making ...  

Hi Arie....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : February 11th, 2014-08:46
.....a fascinating set of watches you have there....and you are the second guy to include the Rolex Milgauss GV in their "final 5". I should invite you to the Rolex forum to discuss that watch.... I have reviewed it quite fully in the past.... ....but it... 


 By: Arie - Mr Orange : February 11th, 2014-12:03
lets see how the collection looks like end of '14.... Did wrote a little bit just now on your Milgauss thread