Thanks, Brad!

Jun 03, 2010,08:45 AM

I have always enjoyed your posts and passion for FPJ watches.  It's unfortunate that the forum is closing, but I hope someday in the future we'll see it revitalized with you at the helm again.  I think few people understand how much behind-the-scenes time and toil go into moderating on this site, so you should be commended for all your efforts. 

On a happier note, your new piece is gorgeous and I wish you many years of joy with it.  Hope to see you in LA again sooner rather than later.

Warm regards,


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Comments: view entire thread


FP Journe forum closed??

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-00:54
What happened? Thank you Cheers This message has been edited by MTF on 2010-06-03 02:04:09 This message has been edited by ThomasM on 2010-06-04 08:46:11 This message has been edited by AnthonyTsai on 2010-06-04 10:50:36 This message has been edited by MT... 

Mr Journe feels that our work here is not worth their support

 By: ThomasM : June 3rd, 2010-01:06
and too "amateurish." Far be it for us to insist on being "helpful." Cheers, TM

Thank you....

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-01:11
Although I think that it is a pity...... It is also strange as a couple of weeks ago, the NYC boutique manager introduced herself to the forum and offered her assistance..... Cheers This message has been edited by PinkPanther on 2010-06-03 01:11:55

FPJ HQ reply is SO wrong !!!

 By: MTF : June 4th, 2010-19:08
The following quote is clearly wrong (at best) and Obfuscation, if I was less generous: "Suddenly, The PuristsPro decided to charge the brands for a significant amount of money otherwise they would close the forum." - FPJ HQ. NO....NO....NO. We get a lot ... 

That is so depressing - I loved that forum!!! [nt]

 By: markkeenan : June 3rd, 2010-01:17
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A pity. [nt]

 By: VMM : June 3rd, 2010-01:59
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Strange statement from FPJ!

 By: dedestexhes : June 3rd, 2010-02:15
But one we have to respect. The only thing I see on "all" fora, is that lately there seems less response to his products... Dirk

A sad day indeed

 By: Wees : June 3rd, 2010-02:25
Does the existence of a brand forum require a company's sanction? Or by "support" do we mean "sponsorship"? I suppose the question is, can we not "go it alone"?

To have a PuristS brand forum, you need 3 things...

 By: MTF : June 3rd, 2010-02:42
1) Products that are of horlogical merit or attractive to PuristS, in order to get a worthy and passionate moderator. 2) Manufacturer, Watchmaker or Executive that are 'PuristS' in their heart; in the way they say AND do things to promote haute horlogerie... 

I wonder....

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-04:17
Was Journe's decision planned for some time or a sudden one? Thank you Cheers

PuristSPro made the guillotine decision

 By: MTF : June 3rd, 2010-06:14
Just to be clear so you don't have to wonder. PuristSPro Management closed the forum after almost a year of assessment and monitoring of the brand's ability to fulfil the three criteria. Of course, like a guillotine, the final decision only takes a second... 

Thank you.... ::))

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-06:21

MTF. I will bookmark this post of yours! Thanks! NT

 By: Ornatus-Mundi : June 3rd, 2010-06:16
no text

I love it when people show their true colours [nt]

 By: Velociphile - No longer in the building : June 3rd, 2010-02:51
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A real pity indeed...

 By: Goh : June 3rd, 2010-05:38
...while I haven't visited the FP Journe forum often enough, having just attracted to his creations and made my very first posts there last week, it is really disappointing to learn about the news. I scanned through many posts within the last few days, an... 


 By: CaliforniaJed : June 3rd, 2010-08:48
I'm not sad, nor am I insulted. I am disappointed that my favorite online community will not include a forum dedicated to one of my favorite watchmakers. What is difficult to get my head around is how such a clearly gifted watchmaker could be so wrong abo... 

Thomas, if this is what he said, he is very arrogant.

 By: ling5hk : June 3rd, 2010-10:30
If this is really what he said, in what context he said so? I thought the relationship between the brand and the forum is always cordial and built on mutual respect foundation. I could be wrong then. Regards Ling

Et alors....

 By: mphilippe : June 3rd, 2010-11:55
The explanation is cryptic and coded. It is conclusory. Thomas, et al, if you felt the necessity of offering an explanation for the rupture of relations with F.P. Journe, I think you are then duty bound to give the relevant factual background instead of a... 


 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-01:15
Why can't one see the previous posts? Thank you Cheers

+1 to that, how about they close the forum but we can access all past posts..

 By: doubleup : June 3rd, 2010-13:15
There was sooooo much info in there, a wealth of FP knowledge.. OMG the pictures alone...

That is really disappointing..........

 By: Quarks : June 3rd, 2010-01:32
Such a shame really.... I adore the forum and contributions from everyone. The PuristS Journe forum was a real home to many and to me. A getaway from stresses of life, and place to discuss & share the passion of FP Journe. Urgh. Sad really. *smacks fo... 

PuristSPro Management would like to thank Brad Schwartz

 By: MTF : June 3rd, 2010-02:00
a.k.a. ' bs22fly ' for his sterling contribution as the most recent moderator on the defunct PuristSPro FP Journe Forum . Brad will retain his moderator-at-large status until he finds a brand forum that he is comfortable with. We would also like to thank ...  

I think its sad for FP Journe

 By: gazoz : June 3rd, 2010-02:19
as without places like here how can the brand become closer to its clients, when you start thinking you are above everyone else sometimes it may actually be a step backwards, i actually really like FP Journe and have one on my wish list but hearing that w... 

IF someone is lacking

 By: aldossari_faisal : June 3rd, 2010-03:09
something due to a certain reason then that reason shouldnt be thrown at pursits pro. Faisal

May be....

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-04:13
He will reconsider..... Cheers

Thx for your commitment [nt]

 By: dedestexhes : June 3rd, 2010-02:32
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Thank you for all your support!

 By: bs22fly : June 3rd, 2010-03:36
Participating in this forum has been a privilege. I've been grateful to be active in this community which has resulted in numerous friendships around the world. I'm disappointed by the news but understand. Today was meant to be a happy day as I added a ne...  


 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-04:23
on your "new" watch..... Gorgeous.... Was the decision by Journe a sudden one or was it planned? Thank you for your work & efforts in the forum... Cheers

Bittersweet acquisition …

 By: AndrewD : June 3rd, 2010-04:45
Dear Brad, Thanks for all your steady hard work on the Journe Forum. I can honestly say that I have read every thread ever posted there and looked forward to the day when I could add my own Journe timepiece to the family. That day will still come, but it ... 

I want to personally thank you for your dedication to our Journe forum

 By: AnthonyTsai : June 3rd, 2010-06:56
It brings me sadness whenever we close down any of our forums, but I still hope one day we will re-open the Journe forum. Hopefully Mr Journe realizes the work you've done and the passion from the community is deemed worthy of his support. Best, Anthony

At a loss for words due to . . .

 By: Dr No : June 3rd, 2010-07:21
. . . the sudden shock. All I can muster is to say thanks for your hard work and unrequited devotion. Any manufacturer should be proud to have a forum moderated with the skill and dedication you demonstrated day in and day out. I hope you can make a retur... 

Thanks, Brad!

 By: dxboon : June 3rd, 2010-08:45
I have always enjoyed your posts and passion for FPJ watches. It's unfortunate that the forum is closing, but I hope someday in the future we'll see it revitalized with you at the helm again. I think few people understand how much behind-the-scenes time a... 

A black day....

 By: pplater : June 3rd, 2010-16:47
.. for reasons other than that lovely black CS. Brad, thank you very much indeed for all of your energy, enthusiasm and effort over the years. This Journe owner did not consider there to be anything in the least 'amateurish' in your dedication to the caus... 

Sweet and sour...

 By: mkt33 : June 3rd, 2010-18:57
appropriate flavor profile for your neck of the woods? Congrats on that SWEET black CS, it looks awesome on your wrist. As a fellow mod (who also lost support from a brand he loves), I can empathize with the difficult and conflicted feelings you may have ... 

Thanks Brad...

 By: Kong : June 3rd, 2010-21:03
I don't know what to say ... if 2mm makes a difference ...I think you have contributed a lot in bringing knowledge and interest to many, at least to me, about FPJ watches. Thanks again for the very good work. The 38mm looks very natural and nice on your w... 

Follow me on Twitter

 By: bs22fly : June 4th, 2010-04:21
While I'm a moderator-at-large you can still follow what's on my wrist daily. Look for BS22FLY on Twitter!

I would also....

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-04:10
Like to thank Brad for a great job and his efforts..... Cheers

I feel sad for Brad, indeed.

 By: amanico : June 3rd, 2010-06:22
And hope he will find another brand to moderate! There are so many which would need to be moderated! Best, Nicolas

Brad was consulted

 By: MTF : June 3rd, 2010-06:27
for many months and participated in the assessment and decision. Regards, MTF

Even if he participated in the final " guillotinage "

 By: amanico : June 3rd, 2010-07:10
I guess it is not an happy end for him. Best, Nicolas.

More of this Brad S fellow

 By: MTF : June 3rd, 2010-07:51
Why does this moderator always have 2 ladies with him on every photo we could find? Looks happy enough..... MTF This message has been edited by MTF on 2010-06-03 07:51:56...  


 By: Ornatus-Mundi : June 3rd, 2010-08:49
for the life after the inevitable? Just a thought. Could also be compensation measures... Magnus

Thanks Nicholas....

 By: bs22fly : June 3rd, 2010-07:17
I was informed of impending decision but this was ultimately between the PuristSpro management team and FP Journe. I hope one day this forum will reopen.

Brad, thanks for the work on the forum. It will be missed! [nt]

 By: CaliforniaJed : June 3rd, 2010-09:05
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 By: AndrewD : June 3rd, 2010-03:59
We have seen plenty of brands and Forums come and go over the years, but F.P.Journe is a brand that epitomizes all that Purists is about (I thought). Passion, ingenuity, design, creativity, originality and a certain historical reverence. Brad (and Felipe ... 

This is a sad, sad day for me.........

 By: samwan : June 3rd, 2010-04:12
FPJ, PP and ALS are three of my favorite brands. Now it is almost like I am missing something when I log on to the Purists site. Two years ago we had a dinner among watch collectors in HK and we jokingly dubbed it 'Independents Day'. 90% of the timepieces... 

just us?

 By: johnimoto : June 3rd, 2010-05:43
Is this a decision by Journe to close just our forum or forums in general? This is a shocker and i think Mr Journe should be ashamed. The majority of the usual suspects in the Journe forum have genuine love for the brand and the watches and I consider it ... 

I know of one other FPJ forum that is still open

 By: 1440 : June 3rd, 2010-13:31
I suspect I can't name the forum here, but it is a very well known forum and should not be hard to find. Oh and just from what I have read so far, it seems this was a PP management decision, not an FPJ decision to close the forum. I agree with others thou... 

The Un-namable Un-mentionable

 By: AndrewD : June 4th, 2010-01:41
Hi Al, I see no reason why we can't mention Time Zone here. Sure, we can't link to outside sites, but the TZ denizens are horological fanatics just like us. There is no 'us' and 'them', there are just two groups of people (with much overlap) who are inter... 

Andrew, this has been addressed before.

 By: ThomasM : June 4th, 2010-07:01
We had an open policy for a very long time. We finally got sick and tired of having a one way open policy, especially after repeated attempts by me and others to "let bygones be bygones." The last straw was when I made one last attempt to reach out to a v... 

Let there be no cryptic comment here -

 By: ThomasM : June 4th, 2010-07:04
Al, you have been a guest here, and as a result have sold some watches. We have NEVER forced you or even pressured you to do anything for this site, monetarily or otherwise, other than to ask you to respect local posting rules and protocols. The very leas... 

A great loss to all IMO. [nt]

 By: fernando : June 3rd, 2010-06:07
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Risk and Reward

 By: WatchWords : June 3rd, 2010-07:41
I will use this, my very first post after years of Forum reading pleasure, buying wonderful pieces from "top blokes" through Collectors Market and my admiration for almost all things Journe, to quote Wilde - "The only thing worse than being talked about, ... 

Foreshadowed by his remarks at FHH conference?

 By: brandon1 : June 3rd, 2010-07:54
Could this be a strategic (though IMO misguided) company move to become less web-dependent? It reminds me of Mr. Journe's remarks at the FHH conference which we reprinted here, wherein he stated that he did not see the internet becoming a serious part of ... 

I got my start watch collecting

 By: senort75 : June 3rd, 2010-09:37
soley because of the internet. If it weren't for the original PuristS forum, I would never have heard of Lange, GO, or JLC nor bought 2 Langes, 2 GOs and a JLC. I own two Rolex, once again with the help of the internet. I frequented the FP Journe site qui... 

Great quotation.... ::))

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-08:27

Unfortunate All Around

 By: Douglas : June 3rd, 2010-08:13
Forgive me if I sound rude; that is not my intent. First, Brad my friend, thank you for all your work and diligence with the Journe forum. I look forward to seeing you soon. Thomas, Anthony, and Melvyn: Obfuscation seems to overshadow this decision. The w... 

I'd guess criterion #3 is where the rub comes

 By: expwmbat : June 3rd, 2010-08:22
But whatever the reason, this is a loss for all parties involved. I'll be interested to see whether this occurs elsewhere, but I suspect it won't because of different criteria for justifying a manufactures' forum. DJK

My take -

 By: asg : June 3rd, 2010-08:23
And I know nothing of any back story or similar - Its a slap in the face to all of us who have been here since the begining....and who have joined since. I dont like being slapped in the face.

I agree with Douglas' comments,

 By: tahoeblue : June 3rd, 2010-11:38
including that there must be a further back story here that is skimmed over by statement of 3 criteria for holding a brand forum. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail, especially with so many eloquent comments of concern regarding this action. As others ha... 

There is tension between sponsorship and content management

 By: expwmbat : June 3rd, 2010-13:04
And as criterion #3 shows, that tension manifests in questions of who controls the content on a forum, and more specifically, who has the right to censor or moderate posts. I can only infer that this is the key issue in FPJ's withdrawal of support for the... 

Too bad so sad...

 By: teetann : June 3rd, 2010-20:10
I'm a quiet lurker but this time I have to write... While I share Douglas's view, I don't want to make a fuss since the decision has been made. Journe forum is one of my favorite places to be. It is this very forum that brought me to Journe. Sooo heartbre... 

A great pity as FPJ has been one of the more

 By: 219 : June 3rd, 2010-09:04
innovative watchmakers of recent times. There is more to online watch forums and I would argue PuristsPro is far from amateurish. Indeed, I know several 'print' journalists who refer to on-line forums first, and then research other elements. Print media j... 

Agree with Douglas

 By: Timertom : June 3rd, 2010-10:03
Having read through the thread, I find myself in complete agreement with the thought process that has very nicely been put on this page by Douglas just above.

Too fast

 By: Wees : June 3rd, 2010-10:07
I agree with the general sentiment expressed here about the loss of this forum but would be slow to attribute fault to anyone in particular. PuristSPro has a scope within which it is comfortable and FPJ / Montres Journe SA also has a scope within which it... 

Sad to hear about the closure of the FPJ forum but...

 By: ED209 : June 3rd, 2010-10:11
And sad to read about the shortsightedness of Mr. Journe's lack of support of the forum. But on a happier note: job well done to Brad who has given tremendous effort, hard work, and passion as moderator. And congrats to Brad on his new watch! Enjoy and go... 

all good things comes to a conclusion

 By: Hororgasm : June 3rd, 2010-10:43
bs22fly - thks fr your efforts, enjoyed all your posts and your advice one the centigraph, something i am still weighing. hope to see FPJ forum restart someday.


 By: DonCorson : June 3rd, 2010-10:57
to see this source of info on one of our times most inventive watchmakers cease to flow. I hope it will not be long 'til the forum is reopened. Don

It is a shocking and sad news! I am totally confused and can hardly

 By: zmxu : June 3rd, 2010-11:01
accept the closure of this wonderful forum. Without knowing the true and complete story, all I can say right now is a big "THANK YOU" to Brad for your great job as the moderator. I hope I can see you around in Hong Kong, better in Prince Building, SOON. Z... 

Enough is enough

 By: amerix : June 3rd, 2010-11:18
Whether there was a "straw that broke the camel's back", Journe has a very strong back - and the camel was designed by a committee. As for negotiations that went on for months with a favorite Moderator here, what was there to negotiate about? Not likely t... 

I have never disagreed more with someone on this site until your post.....

 By: asg : June 3rd, 2010-11:58
I for one am going to ensure that my opinion is reflected by how I swing my pocketbook. You can bet for sure that I will not be spending any money with Journe from this point forward. He obviously doesnt like "me" and "my friends" here on the purists. com... 

Come on Douglas my man....

 By: asg : June 3rd, 2010-14:12
You know this is "normal" for me. Although, the xanax on my desk looks mighty tasty..... If you aren't a little bit pissed, well, I'll take it up with you on the 10th. BTW - where is the repeater I have been waiting for? Oh - i wish i would have bought th... 

A Very Passionate reply and i agree

 By: gazoz : June 3rd, 2010-13:11
i think you are totally correct buy from who cares about its clients

"The other Journe Forum ..."

 By: AndrewD : June 4th, 2010-01:53
A post on "the other Journe Forum" regarding the closure of the P*****S Journe Forum was completely deleted before I could blink. Isn't this situation of relevance to all individuals interested in horology in general, and Journe in particular? A

Adam, don't hold back or you will have an ulcer. Please sell me your Resonance

 By: mphilippe : June 4th, 2010-06:31
Sorry I can't afford the Tourbillon

Neutral for Journe, worse for PuristS

 By: Nomer : June 3rd, 2010-11:50
This is sad news indeed and as already mentioned by a few, it's impossible to really understand the decision without knowing the underlying details. However as a Journe customer and a (relatively new) member of a community that is by its nature meant to e... 

I second you!

 By: zmxu : June 3rd, 2010-18:39

Man, that's too bad.

 By: Davo : June 3rd, 2010-12:19
And a bit sad. I'm going to miss it.

"Not everyone will want to play with you..."

 By: pingtsai : June 3rd, 2010-12:47
After being a moderator on PPro now for a few months, I've come to understand the importance of mutual support between brand and forum. Sure one can exist without the other, but it's when you have them both that true benefits can be reaped on both sides. ... 

Well put Ping

 By: gazoz : June 3rd, 2010-13:17
you have to be around otherwise we will play else where

Priceless, Ping! :-) [nt]

 By: CaliforniaJed : June 3rd, 2010-14:28
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Perfect analogy. Very well stated [nt]

 By: AnthonyTsai : June 3rd, 2010-15:38
No message body

Exactly. Perfectly example Ping. [nt]

 By: ED209 : June 3rd, 2010-18:17
No message body

Understand your analogy...

 By: cen@jkt : June 4th, 2010-07:40
but why do you need to lock down the whole playground? Not even allowing eager hungry knowledge seekers to peek at the playground. I just wish you close the forum for any new post, but let it open for us to still take a peek at all the knowledge there. Fo... 

Don't be too humble

 By: cen@jkt : June 4th, 2010-07:58
I believe you have the power to 'force' the GM of this site to read my post Just kidding, don't ban me, don't kick me. cen@jkt

Not on this issue :P

 By: AnthonyTsai : June 4th, 2010-08:01
There are reasons why when we close down a forum, that forum's contents remain inaccessible. Your posts are not deleted, just temporarily inaccessible (just like what happened with Harry Winston forum). I do not want to go into details of why we do this, ... 

I am still right!

 By: cen@jkt : June 4th, 2010-08:17
Never in my right mind asking you to change the policy, but her forcing the management to read my post. And read you did . Life goes on cen@jkt

Brilliant, Ping, thank you.

 By: ThomasM : June 4th, 2010-08:36
Your daughter is very lucky.

Very sad, RIP FPJ Forum =) If it means anything ...

 By: doubleup : June 3rd, 2010-12:57
I came across this site about 2 years ago when I was bit by the bug. Because of that forum I will one day (hopefully) own one of his watches, that is the plan at least. I am sure there is more to it then what is on the surface with his quote. I hope so at... 

The whole world is shocked by this!

 By: cazalea : June 3rd, 2010-13:48
Except these people ... This message has been edited by cazalea on 2010-06-03 14:05:47...  

I don't know...

 By: Giggs : June 3rd, 2010-19:29
...but Journe looks a little sad too!

very disappointed

 By: donizetti : June 3rd, 2010-14:05
I thought this was one of the most informative forums of all. Thanks to the moderator(s) for the great work and I hope it gets reopened. Andreas

I still have "Huygen's clocks" on my desk to read!

 By: Nomer : June 3rd, 2010-14:20
Hopefully we can all continue our various interesting discussions like the one you started.

An incredibly unfortunate endpoint for all.

 By: RJW : June 3rd, 2010-14:09
I don't know how it came to this and I hope miscommunication/misinterpretation was not involved. I hope fresh dialogue can continue and the forum will reopen soon. This would be to the benefit of all. Thanks to Brad for his work even though I was not a pa... 

Too bad

 By: schen : June 3rd, 2010-14:42
My web browser has one bookmark labeled "ThePuristS" with URL . Normally I come to visit here every day, and most of the days my first click after I get here is on the link to Journe forum. Today when I got here, I saw this thread on ... 

As George Harrison put it, "All things must pass."

 By: polarbear1990 : June 3rd, 2010-15:19
Thank you for all your hard work, Brad. And thank you posters and readers for your many contributions. I've enjoyed reading the FPJ forum immensely. Peace.

In a word "SHOCKED".....................

 By: Topcat30093 : June 3rd, 2010-15:58
I tend to visit the forum most days and on each of those days, the first 3 forums that I usually visited were Journe, Patek & Lange. Today when I logged on, I thought that me eyes were deceiving me, did I really see in very small red writing the word ... 

financial reasons?

 By: johnimoto : June 3rd, 2010-18:32
I was told that the "purists asked for a lot of money to host [the forum]" and that the strength of the purists is our independence which is why they choose not to support us financially or otherwise in an effort to maintain our independence. That sounds ... 


 By: johnimoto : June 4th, 2010-05:03
Did the PursitS management team demand money from Journe to run this forum?

Do you volunteer to pay the bill?

 By: Marcus Hanke : June 4th, 2010-05:39
First, I have to state that I am not part of the executive team, and have no insights in the process that led to the closure of the said forum. However, I feel a bit disconcerned to read posts with a rather aggressive tone, demanding clarification about a... 

Dear Marcus, thanks for this refresher on PuristsPro principles...

 By: Ornatus-Mundi : June 4th, 2010-05:50
of which I think your second last paragraph is the most important. In fact, its the one that let me accept moderatorship here. In these times, I guess firms are looking for instant gratification but tend to disregard long-term issues. Building a successfu... 

I also want to stress that editorial independence is a key PPro priniciple

 By: AnthonyTsai : June 4th, 2010-07:01
and if do open up new forums, all the brands know that we have editorial independence and that they can't tell us what not to write or what to write. That is absolutely crucial. Editorial independence is what makes these forums great. If you go to any of ... 

Since many of you have asked, let me expand further on MTF's 3 criteria to have a forum

 By: AnthonyTsai : June 4th, 2010-07:26
here on PuristSPro. MTF wrote at the top of the this thread, so let me expand even further: 1) Products that are of horlogical merit or attractive to PuristS, in order to get a worthy and passionate moderator. The PuristS community needs to show some type... 


 By: johnimoto : June 4th, 2010-08:22
There are lots of ways to raise funds. from members. from more advertising. I don't know all the details of this site's financial status but creating a forum, putting a good moderator there, and then threatening to shut it down unless Journe pays borders ... 

Unbelievable indeed.

 By: ThomasM : June 4th, 2010-08:35
Your comments remind me of the self important internet customer who feels that just by walking into the store, the store should kiss their ass because they MIGHT be a potential customer, when in fact most of the time these customers paw the product, waste... 


 By: johnimoto : June 4th, 2010-08:43
Based on your premise, the only way a customer is to be treated well is if they provide proof that they are a serious customer walking into the store. first, your business model is in now way even close to a store, so why it would remind you of that is be... 

very sad news

 By: ei8htohms : June 3rd, 2010-19:09
I always enjoy seeing what Mr. Journe is up to and reading the FPJ forum on PP has always been the best way to do that. Even though I don't always like or respect the watches I'll very much miss reading about them regularly. Tremendous thanks to Brad for ... 

Old and new post....

 By: Ogygia : June 3rd, 2010-19:19
Will all old posts group to other thread?? like HOrologicalMEandering or AHCI?


 By: mkt33 : June 3rd, 2010-19:32
" " Gotcha! The fact is that we are all either guessing or paraphrasing what was said over the past few months. Everyone's comments are tainted by certain prejudices that they carry including mine. Mr. Journe is a very passionate man who is gifted horolog... 

Hi Mike....

 By: MiniCooper : June 3rd, 2010-22:27
What happened in Court? What decision was taken? Thanks Cheers

Hi Pink

 By: mkt33 : June 3rd, 2010-23:03
I've lost the link to the official court brief in French. It encapsulated both the findings and verdicts both in the original court and also the appeals court in Geneva. Let's just say sometimes Mr. Journe's pride and passion (and Euros) would be better s... 

Thanks Brad!

 By: DRMW : June 3rd, 2010-21:11
Much appreciation to Brad for his hard work and dedication. -MW

Monsieur Journe Statement ...

 By: TdotBean : June 3rd, 2010-21:41
and PPro might never come. I hate seeing all of you like this. It's stupid. It's stupid because all these effort won't yield anything we desire at the end. Speaking out of personal experience I can say this:"Every human being has flaw, perfection is not a... 

Sad but I guess sometimes things happen

 By: Dje : June 3rd, 2010-23:22
Hi, I don't know what took place behind the scene but I trust the PuristSPro management team in their decisions. I've been a long time fan of Francois-Paul Journe watches, still I confess the passion faded for me in the last years. I don't own one, maybe ... 

Sad and disappointed

 By: optionc : June 4th, 2010-01:09
Not much to add to the plethora of posts other than the 'reaction and outpouring of posts' shows how passionate and dedicated we are about our FPJs. Sad day indeed. OpC

...what a shame... [nt]

 By: syncsean : June 4th, 2010-01:15
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One ought to be ‘super nice’ when it is free

 By: PoyFR : June 4th, 2010-04:18
Many watch aficionados gather around dedicated forums, some participants are more knowledgeable than others but as an all it represents and gathers watches/brands lovers. And all this is often free in the name of enthusiasms. To see a brand upsetting a co... 

A parting thanks to Brad

 By: sidneyc : June 4th, 2010-05:01
For his dedication to the Journe forum the time that I have been interested in Journe watches. It is a really sad day to see the forum go. But I think Msr Journe must have his reason even though I wouldn't think any reason should result in the closing of ... 

No matter what, still a great pity

 By: Geo : June 4th, 2010-05:24
Especially the smaller brands belong here. GEO

F.P.Journe Head Office

 By: Montres Journe : June 4th, 2010-08:12
Dear All, In view of the numerous posts about the closure of the F.P.Journe Forum, and the numerous misunderstandings, we have decided to clarify our position. We would first like to thank Brad immensely for the fantastic work he has done to make the F.P.... 

Thank you for your comment, Mr. Journe.

 By: ThomasM : June 4th, 2010-08:45
It might have been fair for you to mention that certain executives of PuristsPro (not me) have been trying to contact you to discuss various matters, to which you did not even give them the courtesy of a reply. It might have been more fair that you clarif... 

This is SO wrong !!!

 By: MTF : June 4th, 2010-18:46
The following quote is clearly wrong (at best) and Obfuscation, if I was less generous: "Suddenly, The PuristsPro decided to charge the brands for a significant amount of money otherwise they would close the forum." - FPJ HQ. NO....NO....NO. We get a lot ... 

"What happened?" ... after a short ...

 By: small-luxury-world : June 4th, 2010-08:49
and simple question, only. Really interesting! Would love to see the same amount of replies and emotions in a watch related discussion Oliver

I was exactly thinking the same thing, Oliver... [nt]

 By: amanico : June 4th, 2010-09:53
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