
Jul 10, 2022,18:05 PM

I have it.

I do watch religion.

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A collector's collecting crisis

 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-11:48
Hello everyone, I've been collecting watches since I was 17 and I've always considered myself a Collector. I never questioned what it meant, I just knew that I was one. Why? Well, similar to a student earning the title of Doctor, I wanted a status that re... 

In truth I’m not sure there are consensus answers on any of your questions.

 By: Jay (Eire) : July 10th, 2022-12:04
A collector’s motivation can be pure passion or pure economics, we see this at all levels. It can also lie somewhere in between. For sure there are infinitely more collectors with a bias towards the monetary aspect in the last several years and I feel man... 

I may not answer all 3 points,

 By: marcobermann : July 10th, 2022-12:21
Hi Epiloque, This may not be the answer you are looking for but I really do think you are seriously over thinking it and this should not be a problem and definitely should not be one that is consuming your time or thoughts. It really IMO is this simple bu... 

Thanks Marc for the honest answer. It IS helpful.

 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-12:30
Sometimes a slap on the hand is the necessary stimulus to "snap out of it!" and take a more relaxed approach...especially for my personality type. That being said, I think these answers will elevate the collecting experience. For instance, to understand w... 

The big loss in collecting for me over the last two years has been the meeting people.

 By: Jay (Eire) : July 10th, 2022-16:24
Lockdown, inability to travel etc has had a definite impact on the joy of collecting for me. It’s something I didn’t identify in my original reply but for some people, myself included, i think that aspect of collecting (the social) may be under appreciate... 

Thank you for your time

 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-12:24
Hi Jay, Thanks for this meaningful answers. 1. Yes, I agree. Though I count myself in the PASSION category, my passion is still coloured (or stained?) by the economics of it. For some reason, should I make the choice between a hyped watch, and a non-hyped... 

Re 3)

 By: Jay (Eire) : July 10th, 2022-22:01
Yes, to both. In terms of volume I don’t really have any hard rules. I certainly, like many of us, have too many watches. But that’s the collector thing, logic is often overruled! In terms of value I reached a point several years ago where from a pure val... 


 By: Weems@8 : July 10th, 2022-12:50
I started from point 1 on with a theme. Requirements leads my watch collecting. Your point 1. Somebody who buys a hobby object and go on buying the same. 2. A collector looks like a passionated human who have a little museum at home. 3. Keep all emotional... 

Hi Weems -

 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-13:01
I adore your answer to point 2 “a collector is someone who has a little museum at home”. Very helpful and I think I might adopt your idea!


 By: Weems@8 : July 10th, 2022-18:05
I have it. I do watch religion. 🕎 7

:D me too!

 By: Epilogue : July 12th, 2022-19:05

1. In my opinion to call someone a "collector" vs an "enthusiast" I like to see a theme to the collection. Not just random watches that they like that have no connection.

 By: thekman : July 10th, 2022-13:16
So far I consider myself an enthusiast as i don't think my collection has a certain theme yet. 2. It should look like whatever the collector wants it to look like. I have seen awesome Seiko only collection up to Royal Oak only collections and find them al... 


 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-17:59
To you, is a theme more important than the Selection process? For instance, you might have no theme, but a rigorous Selection process. This implies thought and meticulous search, and could be a characteristic of a Collector?

My understanding is

 By: cazalea : July 10th, 2022-13:18
1. A collector must collect some things. The drive overpowers rational logic. If you can explain or completely control this drive you are not a collector. There is a genetic component to it. My uncle and I have it but no one else in our families. 2. A “co... 

What an excellent reply!

 By: Gwai : July 10th, 2022-16:24
While I am not a collector, but may once have been one in the making, a book collector I would've become, I have enjoyed your knowledgeable, no: wise, post very much! Cheers Marc

Books are usually less expensive than watches

 By: cazalea : July 10th, 2022-17:22
So you can have thousands of them: I have thousands (in multiple rooms) but am cutting back slowly. ...  

Fair question

 By: cazalea : July 10th, 2022-18:12
I have collected series of books, and various books on certain themes, yes. And rare valuable books. But I am a primarily a book reader, often a book writer, and professionally a book editor and publisher. So it's my profession and not just an affectation... 


 By: cazalea : July 12th, 2022-20:00
And I seldom believe anything just because it’s in a book - because I know authors, editors and publishers …

Hi Cazalea!

 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-18:04
Indeed this is a very helpful reply. I note in particular: 1- "the drive overpowers rational logic" and the "genetic component" 2- I agree that collecting watches is about collecting horological paraphernalia and also memories such as the factory visits a... 

More than watches.

 By: Weems@8 : July 10th, 2022-18:24
A good reply. Watch collectors collect also watch products. In my case i have some loupes, a pushpin tool, a watchcase holder, books, magazines, a watch winder, bracelet adjuster, case back opener, antimagnetic pinsets, hands remove tool, a time grapher, ... 

I have a very short answer:

 By: @lberti : July 10th, 2022-13:30
A collector is my brother with over 700 knives 😋😭

Dont you agree at all?

 By: @lberti : July 10th, 2022-20:44

Thoughts on a collection.

 By: roundel : July 10th, 2022-13:41
If I may relate a recent experience, I recently cataloged my departed father’s knife collection. There were many pieces but they were generally from 3 manufacturers. But what struck me, is that despite all these knives, he only carried an Ulster Boy Scout... 

Thank you for sharing - there is no doubt he's a collector :)

 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-18:07
I retain your comment "make your collection personal"

I would answer this way:

 By: andrea~ : July 10th, 2022-13:54
1) A collector is an enthusiast who buys watches based on a theme. The theme could be as generic as "watches", which makes everyone here a collector, or as specific as you want it to be. 2) This one is completely up to the collector, the only rule is to h... 

Collector vs speculator vs hoarder

 By: E in PA : July 10th, 2022-13:54
Collector builds memories and keeps what is meaningful. A hoarder can’t recall and for him or her it’s compulsive. A speculator has no interest in the object or his or her speculation the sole goal Is to transact profitability.

I like this.

 By: Rosneathian : July 10th, 2022-20:44

A collector is..

 By: chintu : July 10th, 2022-14:21
1. a person who does not buy a watch on the idea that the watch is an investment for profit 2. a person who buys a particular watch because of pure horological passion 3. a person that would never sell a watch unless it is for an upgrade to a grail piece ... 

I rotate maybe 10 watches these days...

 By: Blansky : July 10th, 2022-15:26
and I've had up to around 30. But I don't call myself a collector because I don't "collect". I'm an enthusiast who loves and wears watches. That being said, I don't really care what anyone thinks of my watches, and I certainly don't want any sort of theme... 

thanks Blansky, for your answer

 By: Epilogue : July 10th, 2022-18:11
I'm not so much bothered by others' opinions. Here I'm more asking some questions to help find inner peace and also to refine my style/philosophy/collection. I think asking these questions might be part of my journey

Collectors cannot just enjoy, they have to understand, categorize, catalog, refine and torment themselves

 By: cazalea : July 10th, 2022-18:14
Making spreadsheets, storing watches in a certain order, wiping them down after use, counting the number of turns when winding, noting timing variations and comparing from watch to watch or month to month. Raise your hands, if this applies to YOU

To care

 By: Weems@8 : July 10th, 2022-18:34
Care watches like it a living creatures. I never overwound a watch, but what shall i do when? So if the second hand start to move, it is good to put the watch on my wrist.

Thanks for sharing these thoughts. Some thoughts below from a man who fell to earth

 By: Rosneathian : July 10th, 2022-20:39
I've been a collector of things for more than 40 years. In so doing I've merely exhibited a behaviour that's been a part of humanity for tens of millennia. Human beings collect things for a whole bunch of reasons that for the sake of brevity I won't theor... 

This is a beautiful answer - i think you gave the solution here ---

 By: Epilogue : July 12th, 2022-19:39
If I understood you correctly, collecting is a means to seeing your own reflection in your collection. It has a beginning, a middle and an end. Once you see yourself in the collection, you won't need more. All this without loosing yourself in the collecti... 


 By: myles721 : July 10th, 2022-22:25
If you no longer consider a professional buyer and seller of watches a collector (IMO a somewhat dispassionate exercise of buy low sell high) then price alone for the most part is not a factor. Having removed price we are now into history, brand, personal... 

Titles are meaningless. It's just an opinion.

 By: patrick_y : July 11th, 2022-00:20
The collector title is just a title. A title that one can bestow upon himself or on anyone. Speculator is the same thing. Furthermore, if someone calls you a speculator, you're still an "alleged speculator" meaning they haven't proven you're a speculator ... 


 By: myles721 : July 11th, 2022-01:10
I got no trophies on display I sign them away I mean what the heck Chrissy Hynde - The Pretenders

Indeed. A good selection!

 By: patrick_y : July 11th, 2022-16:34

Been hanging in there!

 By: patrick_y : July 11th, 2022-16:34

great question Hugo...

 By: mahesh : July 16th, 2022-09:39
what others call, doesn't really long us you gain joy in what you do & you feel it is correct for you. I tend to believe, we collect pieces that reflects one-self...naturally, our tastes evolve, so does our understanding & knowledge as we inte... 

There are no real answers to your first two questions. A collection is very subjective. For example, I love themes, and I turn around themes. GMT / WT/ Military watches / Alarm / Chronos / Diving watches / Chronometers are my main themes.

 By: amanico : July 16th, 2022-10:02
In vintage and moderns. Do I act like a collector, or do I feel like a collector? I am not sure. I think my best idea is to get what I really like. But here again, tastes change and the truth of today is maybe not the truth of tomorrow. Even if things are... 

Thank you Nico! I am very happy to see your name appear on the list of answers. For a moment I thought I was being too dramatic.

 By: Epilogue : July 16th, 2022-19:05
"The truth of today is maybe not the truth of tomorrow" - that resonates with me and makes complete sense. It explains that rotation in the collection is normal given that the journey to finding oneself is long and tortuous. I like your metaphor about the... 

+1! :)))

 By: amanico : July 19th, 2022-21:21