Another Speedy ready for Trst! Omega has a plethora of strong offers, from vintage to modern: at least one for everyone taste! [nt]

May 25, 2018,14:37 PM

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WS for the 25th of May is now live - free theme!

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-09:05
Let’s call it a slightly late Midnight Singapore time but then even if the chronometer is METAS certified, if the meeting overruns... Free theme as announced earlier. Looking forward to many exciting pictures and wishing you all a fantastic weekend ahead!...  

For me.....

 By: Baron - Mr Red : May 24th, 2018-09:11
.....a former HF (non-Observatory) ...  

Is that D's?!

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:31
Looks cool.

My trusty Hamilton

 By: Tyo : May 24th, 2018-09:18

I've been holding off buying a Mk II Paradive . . .

 By: Dr No : May 24th, 2018-10:28
. . . and your Hamilton isn't helping. ;-)

Need to check it out then... [nt]

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-22:12
No message body

Lovely! [nt]

 By: amanico : May 25th, 2018-00:13

Bravo, K! Enjoy. [nt]

 By: amanico : May 24th, 2018-09:30

Thanks a lot Nico!

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-11:24
Will definitely do so. So far just like I imagined it

A fantastic choice!

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-11:25
And two great shots, too

Merci, B. [nt]

 By: amanico : May 25th, 2018-06:14

Merci, K. [nt]

 By: amanico : May 25th, 2018-14:49

Great one.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:32
And the right time of the year is coming.

Love the shot with the cork background!

 By: nitediver : May 25th, 2018-12:02
Matches perfectly the lume. Have a nice weekend Nicolas Stefan

Con placer mi amigo! [nt]

 By: Subexplorer : May 27th, 2018-17:53

Ulysse Nardin

 By: alain2701 : May 24th, 2018-09:32

Now that’s a fascinating UN!

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-11:25
Great shot

Superb one! [nt]

 By: amanico : May 25th, 2018-00:13

Congrats on the new Omega, K.

 By: crown comfort : May 24th, 2018-10:03
For me, I'll go green, Green Lantern! HAGWE, CC ...  

I know a guy, called Mr Green, a long term Purist and moderator who has got the same watch.

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : May 24th, 2018-10:18
But I haven’t seen him over here for ages?! Does anyone know where he is? Something wrong?

;) [nt]

 By: amanico : May 24th, 2018-10:19

Even I haven’t seen him.

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : May 24th, 2018-10:26
He’s become a myth.

maybe rich and famous? [nt]

 By: crown comfort : May 24th, 2018-10:27

Urban Grappa Legend

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : May 24th, 2018-10:30
Mr Greeeeen

Eventually, a feature film will be made . . .

 By: Dr No : May 24th, 2018-10:49
. . . about this legendary Purist. And Hugh Jackman will star. Yours truly has a minor role in the script. They're casting Jon Lovitz, . . . . . . naturally. ...  

ROFL 🤣 [nt]

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-11:27

Hope he’s OK!

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-11:27
Not heard from him in a while...

Thanks CC!

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-11:26
And what a great Green Lantern shot

Thanks K. [nt]

 By: crown comfort : May 25th, 2018-00:07

Hehe, pure coincidence :) [nt]

 By: crown comfort : May 25th, 2018-05:49

Another D watch.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:34
He better check his collection!


 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:58
There will be an investigation.

You kept your end of the bargain with Nilo . . .

 By: Dr No : May 24th, 2018-10:20
. . . but now you need to add a vintage Omega to the collection. No pressure, K. Take your time. It's a broad field, and deep, too. I'll be wearing these . . . ['58 ref 2852 top, '43 ref 2242 middle, '40 ref 2099 bottom] . . . over the holiday weekend. Ar...  

A great trio, Art!

 By: KMII : May 24th, 2018-11:29
I am glad to have finally fulfilled my end of the bargain. There may well be more modern and vintage Omegas in due course judging by my first And yours really are enticing! Have a great weekend!

I'll find time this weekend to wear my Rail . . .

 By: Dr No : May 24th, 2018-17:15
. . . in honor of yours, K. Welcome to the club! ...  

I'm almost positive the 2242 has a refinished dial, Nicolas . . .

 By: Dr No : May 25th, 2018-10:58
. . . albeit one convincing enough to lure me into acquiring it. Notice how the hands line up correctly with the minute track. I'll have to check with a Geiger counter to be sure. Of the three, though, my personal favorite is the ref 2099. Those delicate ... 

I'm really liking the 2852.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:36
Looks to be in great shape.

That it is, Padj. After adding the SM chronometer to my collection . . .

 By: Dr No : May 25th, 2018-11:04
. . . I briefly entertained the idea of parting with this Connie. "Who needs two '58 cal 505s?", thought I. It took only two seconds after retrieving it from the safe deposit box to realize White Connie was here to stay. ;-)

Congrats , beautiful PP [nt]

 By: Watchonthewrists : May 24th, 2018-14:52

PP definitely knows how to make the best WT

 By: Mike H : May 27th, 2018-03:14
Big congrats 👍👏👏👏

Thank you, Mike.🙏

 By: BMR : May 27th, 2018-06:30
I’m really loving it!

I can easily understand 😉

 By: Mike H : May 27th, 2018-07:06
Congrats again, wear it in the best of health !

Thanks a lot, Massi!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:49
Hope you’re doing well Maybe Trieste this summer? As for the watch, looking forward to checking accuracy tomorrow

Same here...

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-22:13
Getting harder each morning Will try and plan the holidays soon and let you know 👍🏻

Superb classic!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:50
What year is this Reverso? Fantastic shot, btw.

Thank you. It’s 1996 my first Reverso.

 By: kev09 : May 25th, 2018-15:05
Quite small by today’s standards but I wanted my first to be as near as possible to the original in size. Still love it and it’s an elegant dress watch.

Deep blue …

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 24th, 2018-14:23

It’s on the way [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 25th, 2018-01:19


 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:38
Such a rich blue.

I agree ☝️ [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 25th, 2018-14:12

Fantastic piece, Captain Scarlet!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:50
The blue is truly sublime.

It’s very cool 😎 [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 25th, 2018-14:12

Oh yes :) [nt]

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-22:14

Thanks Mike ! [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 31st, 2018-13:42

My mini theme this week - amateur experiments with vintage watches on backdrops

 By: NT931 : May 24th, 2018-17:43
I've been experimenting with using some backdrops for pictures, and I tried with a few: A Seiko Worldtimer from 1964 A jumbo Doxa that arrived this week, which I bought for the delightful 'Creme Brulee' like patina And this one came back from servicing at...  

Most certainly do!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:52
The watches to start with - hard for me to choose a favourite - and the pictures likewise. And thanks for the idea to source tiles

Three beauties NT931!! Watches are great and backgrounds also help to make a more attractive or striking shot. I also like to...

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-09:20
... Experiment with background materials and textures and it is another way to play and enjoy our watches! Hagwe! Abel

Friday commute

 By: jml_watches : May 25th, 2018-00:02
Hi All Wearing this for the commute this morning - seems appropriate as in preparation for the bank holiday it's pouring down. The only upside is a virtually empty train! Cheers JML ...  

No matter how much it rains...

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:53
Your Prospex will remain unfazed Have a great bank holiday, JML!

May is great for them in Austria...

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:14
Had several already and the next one is the coming Thursday

an old picture

 By: : May 25th, 2018-00:07
A great comparison between new and old.... ...  

They call her Marilyn Munro

 By: : May 25th, 2018-00:15

I see why! :) [nt]

 By: amanico : May 25th, 2018-00:20

Great lugs ! [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 25th, 2018-08:08

LOL! . . .

 By: Dr No : May 27th, 2018-13:15
. . . good un', Cap ;-) . . .

And most enjoyable [nt]

 By: Cpt Scarlet : May 27th, 2018-15:28

What a picture!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:54
Both pieces are great and the contrast between the two is truly interesting!

Beautiful Omega my friend 👌🏻

 By: Watchonthewrists : May 25th, 2018-01:49
Huge Congrats and wear it in best of health 🙏🏻 So if its a free theme i will go for my DB How i love these blue hands 👌🏻👍🏻 ...  

So cool! [nt]

 By: BMR : May 25th, 2018-05:36

That's mighty fine! [nt]

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:39

Your salmon dialled DB is simply fantastic, Watchonthewrist!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:56
As you know I am a big fan I am very happy with the Railmaster so far and quite satisfied with the choice made. Have a great weekend!

Its a great Omega my friend 👌🏻

 By: Watchonthewrists : May 25th, 2018-14:06
HAGW 2u2 🙏🏻🤗

The weather is playing along...

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-22:16
Now all I need is some rest

Beautiful blue hands but...

 By: Mike H : May 27th, 2018-03:23
...sublime salmon dial. You know my soft spot for this one my friend 😉

Sunny Friday and Blue:

 By: nomadgiles : May 25th, 2018-05:18
From outside the office today: The road less travelled And attending / playing at a World Music festival at the weekend, so the Zodiac WT seems apropos: HAGWE all G. ...  

Thanks Padj! [nt]

 By: nomadgiles : May 25th, 2018-05:57

Thanks a lot, Giles!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:00
The dial has definitely been one of the main attractions optically. But the rest of the watch really gels, too

Thanks Nico!

 By: nomadgiles : May 25th, 2018-07:20
And to be seen fleetingly in Paris next week ;-)

Yeees! [nt]

 By: amanico : May 25th, 2018-07:26

That Zodiac is amazing. [nt]

 By: zabreg1 Mr White : May 25th, 2018-10:48

Thank you Zabgreg!

 By: nomadgiles : May 25th, 2018-12:05
I’m enjoying it a lot - regularly turning the bezel to UK / red hand alignment and seeing what other time it is around the globe. Seems India has had its half hour for 45+ years.

Thanks Stefan! [nt]

 By: nomadgiles : May 25th, 2018-12:15

A great pair, Giles!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-12:58
And it was great seeing both of them live. Looking forward to hearing more about the world music festival! Hagwe!

Ahh - the WT is a very recent incoming. I think you saw the GMT.

 By: nomadgiles : May 25th, 2018-14:51
Pics of fest when I resurface ;-) Hope all is well again at home & an enjoyable weekend ensues! Cheers G. ...  

You are right of course...

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-22:20
My sleep deprived brain playing tricks on me

I like your new watch, KM.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:30
Looks great and a super photo!

Thanks a lot Padj!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:02
I owed it to Nilo to get one and finally decided on this one. Certainly not a resale value decision as it is a regular production piece without historical roots but then it really appealed to me and it sits nicely on the wrist

In honor of Mr. Green.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-05:56

Now that's what I call two superb Chronographs!

 By: crown comfort : May 25th, 2018-05:59
and the Vintage 45 is a shared love.

Thanks, buddy!

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-06:29
The 45 has a lot of love here!

Thanks, Nico.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-06:29
It's a beauty.

I’ll drink to that!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:03
And hoping for a return as well Two great GP chronographs there, Padj!

Thank you, KM.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-16:30
And my sentiments as well.

Full disclosure: this enameled beauty is not mine (at least yet :-), but it's so gorgeous that it begs to be shared with you...

 By: FabR : May 25th, 2018-06:21
It's number 2 of a LE of 8 pieces, that I was trying on at the Van Cleef boutique in Milan earlier this week. Hope you'll enjoy it too! ...  

Well, just superb! [nt]

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-06:28

Very interesting piece!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:04
Here’s crossing fingers that it soon will be yours

Yep! [nt]

 By: amanico : May 25th, 2018-14:50

Fantastic Speedy Tuesday, Massi!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:06
And a great picture to boot! Have been looking at this one as well when making my choice but then again the first Omega will most certainly not be the only one

First, and probably most important for now.. Sincere Congrats to your arrival ! :))

 By: hs111 : May 25th, 2018-08:32
No wonder, you like that spell .. Cheers ! hs

Thanks a lot HS111!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:07
Maybe not the conventional choice but I like it irrespective Have a great weekend!

Gorgeous Railmaster dear friend KM!! We are celebrating...

 By: Subexplorer : May 25th, 2018-09:16
... our Independence Day on Friday 25th so it’s fitting a freedom theme for us! We are having a long week end here so I have chosen several watches to enjoy on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Including a vintage Gigandet chrono similar to that shown by Stefa...  

The Gigandet is fabulous, Abel!

 By: TheMadDruid : May 25th, 2018-11:23
And the others ain't bad either!

Learned something new today! Never heard of Gigandet before . . .

 By: Dr No : May 25th, 2018-12:34
. . . and after a brief search, discovered a link - tenuous, admittedly - to Breitling and Wakmann. Fascinating stuff, but as you probably guessed, my heart belongs to your Seamaster. ;-) Felicitations on Argentina's Independence Day, Abel - it's Memorial... 

That sounds like a great weekend ahead...

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:12
Don’t think I will manage Indy but if I get a couple of rounds on GTS I will be happy already

Frankly, I'm more enthused about visiting Maggie . . .

 By: Dr No : May 25th, 2018-13:28
. . . than watching the greatest spectacle in racing ;-) . . . ...  

Indy, shmindy! . . .

 By: Dr No : May 25th, 2018-15:02
. . . there's only one Maggie ;-) . . .

I was in the right place at the right time for Indy car racing . . .

 By: Dr No : May 26th, 2018-12:00
. . . in So Cal. Attended the first four California 500 races at Ontario Motor Speedway between '70 and '73. That first race was the last time a front-engine Offy won. Didn't know it at the time, of course, but Jim McElreath's victory over Art Pollard was... 

The advantages of an earlier birth, Art :)

 By: KMII : May 27th, 2018-02:05
Definitely jealous...

:)) [nt]

 By: Subexplorer : May 27th, 2018-06:25

Wow Art! You surely witnessed the Golden Era of this most famous race: Dan Gurney and Offenhauser engines were musical words in my youth...

 By: Subexplorer : May 27th, 2018-06:24
though I only had chance to reach them through car magazine photos and newspaper news! Glad you were able to enjoy that gone era! All the best! Abel

If you forward to 4:15 in the video and then freeze it . . .

 By: Dr No : May 27th, 2018-09:24
. . . you'll see a '65 Dodge Dart front and center, with a British sports car to its right. I'll bet that's ours!

Not to forget the Monaco GP, too :)

 By: KMII : May 26th, 2018-09:00
But I hear you, Art

Hello my dear Art! Thank you so much for your comments! Yes, Gigandet the original firm closed lots of years ago but the brand...

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-08:34
... Had connections with Breitling and Walkman and even with Swiss Army brand, The present Gigandet watches have movements from Seiko and Miyota and of course they have nothing in connection with the original brand. Yes, I imagine the Seamaster would be y... 

Thank you dear Nicolas! Yes I have all corners filled with these watches this week end! I have very little info on my Le Coultre WT...

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-08:40
... And as a matter of fact I was expecting you, Blomman or other experts here could throw some light on it. I promise a new post showing this watch this week end ! Abrazos mi amigo! Buen fin de semana! Abel

Thanks for showing the Gigandet dear Abel

 By: nitediver : May 25th, 2018-13:03
It is really nice and the dial has a bit more contrast than mine. The blue strap on the Omega is s fantastic match. I can’t remember having seen such a textile strap. Last but not least: congratulations on Independence Day! Best Stefan

Hello Stefan! My pleasure to show it here! Yes dial and hands set are difference being your hands set more lovely. Now the blue...

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-08:46
... Straps of the Omega are made by Morelatto of Italy which is the only quality brand which we can find here in my land. It' s some kind of nylon canvas with leather lining. Very nice, sporty and comfortable. Thank you for your congrats on our National D... 

Thanks for the information on the textile strap my friend

 By: nitediver : May 26th, 2018-11:11
Have a nice weekend Stefan

Killer weekend choices, Abel!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-13:11
Looking like a truly fantastic weekend is ahead of you First of all I hope you have a great celebration of your Independence Day! And with watches like these how could you not? And thanks for the kind words - I think Omega really nailed it with this one.

Thanks to you for your kind words and salute on our National Day dear KM! ...

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-08:49
Agree that Omega did a great job with their new versions of their classic watch! My best wishes for you too! Cheers! Abel

Thank you so much Fab! Glad you like these straps! Some how I like so much wearing my Milgauss with straps and I had never...

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-08:18
... Worn it with the original Oyster which I changed for these straps same day I bought this watch. I guess some day I will have to try the Oyster! Lol! Hagwe! Abel

Wow !.. The Master’s strikes !.. Great choices, including that Gigandet ( never heard before)

 By: hs111 : May 26th, 2018-08:27
.. and I also like your (70ies styles ?) Omega Chronos. For the Millgauss GV we are brothers in arms, as I also appreciate mine !! Best, hs

Ha ha haThanks a lot my friend!! The Omega chrono is from 1965 and...

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-11:35
... of course we share the love for the LV Milgauss!! Thank you for viewing and kind commenting!! Hagwe my friend!! Abel

I understand my friend! I have posted separately a few minutes ago.

 By: Subexplorer : May 26th, 2018-09:44
... let’s see if my watchmaker can safely open it!! Cheers! Abel

Wow wonderful ones my friend under a nice warm light 😍😍😍 [nt]

 By: Mike H : May 27th, 2018-06:46
...and Happy Independance Day ! 🍾🥂

Macro shots of a vintage JR Aquastar

 By: nitediver : May 25th, 2018-13:27
Love the details on this aged dial, which probably used to be black when new. This is a 1958 Jean Richard Aquastar. Have a nice weekend Stefan ...  

Now this is really something, Stefan!

 By: KMII : May 25th, 2018-22:22
Did not know that JR went that far back... Great shots!

Apparently Don Walsh had a JR Aquastar on the wrist when desceding in the submarine Trieste t

 By: nitediver : May 26th, 2018-12:47
When I acquired the watch , l learned the following (text from Mathis time) When Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh descended in the submarine Trieste to the 10.000 meter/35.000 ft depth at the Mariana Trench in 1960 they had a Rolex strapped to the outside of...  

First Abel with Gigandet, and now you . . .

 By: Dr No : May 26th, 2018-13:20
. . . with vintage Jean Richard, which is an even bigger surprise as I was aware of JR but thought of them as a relatively recent brand tied to G-P. This has been an instructive session of Wrist Scan! Art

Go bling or go home!

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : May 26th, 2018-04:01
One of the most hideous iterations IMO. Looks like a carnival watch. But the price tag is actually quite steep! Now on a more serious note; the Rolex newbies: The waiting game has begun... ...  

Yes definitely

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : May 26th, 2018-06:34
That jubilee bracelet felt way to comfortable on the wrist to ignore

I like your watch

 By: TheMadDruid : May 26th, 2018-04:43
but is that first one legit?

Yes sir [nt]

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : May 26th, 2018-06:33


 By: TheMadDruid : May 26th, 2018-07:19

So I take it it’s not the first one you’re waiting for? :)

 By: KMII : May 26th, 2018-09:03
And I hope the wait is short and pain free. Have a great weekend!

Is it just a coincidence that Paul's playing . . .

 By: Dr No : May 26th, 2018-13:31
. . . an orange guitar? (Hollywood Bowl, Wednesday night.) Diamonds, indeed ;-) . . .

tnx! [nt]

 By: Arie - Mr Orange : May 27th, 2018-11:02

Hmmhh.. So let me see how to play this week. ;))

 By: hs111 : May 26th, 2018-05:19
Memovoxes are a key focus of my stable, as many here may know.. Thus this time a JLC weekend: A Static bunch of MMVs: Middle: From left: E855 black & 855 white, E 875 blue/blue, white/ blue & all white; Far Right: E 861 Top (cross lies) : LC 3072, E 872; ...  

Thx, my friend !.. And you & maybe 1or 2 friends know better than anybody else..

 By: hs111 : May 26th, 2018-08:23 this came into existence . Many thanks also for the always so positive encouragements, in addition to guard the Framboise !.. LoLoL !! Best, dear Nico to you & your lovely family ! hs.

Now that’s a true killer entry, HS111!

 By: KMII : May 26th, 2018-09:04
The collection in one shot, almost sinful Have a great weekend!

While everyone seems to be going ga-ga over your undeniably fabuluous . . .

 By: Dr No : May 26th, 2018-13:25
. . . Memovox collection, my attention is on Mrs h's simple time-only. My kinda watch, to a 't' . . .

Favorite theme: free!!!

 By: Watchobserver : May 26th, 2018-15:29
1. Most recent acquisition, IMO the best watch of 2017: 2. A fun watch that also arrived until this year: Two completely different pieces that show my love for independents and their efforts. Have a great weekend! ...  

Two very fine pieces.

 By: TheMadDruid : May 26th, 2018-16:02
The Chaykin is so cool.


 By: Watchobserver : May 26th, 2018-16:06

Indeed it is!

 By: Watchobserver : May 27th, 2018-11:48

Now those are two killer pieces!

 By: KMII : May 27th, 2018-02:07
Both very different as you say but perfectly displaying the creativity of independent watchmaking! Have a great weekend!

Fully agree!

 By: Watchobserver : May 27th, 2018-11:49
Thanks 🙏🏼

Safe the best for last 😉Imo we have two winners here 👌🏻😘

 By: Watchonthewrists : May 27th, 2018-02:25
The FPJ is such a amazing watch . I would love to own one in the near future 🙏🏻. And the Joker is a very cool watch , cant wait to get mine later this year . Thanks for sharing 🤗

Ah, so a fun incoming for later this year, then?

 By: KMII : May 27th, 2018-03:02
Congratulations in advance!

Yes my friend , hope to get it later this year 🙏🏻🤗

 By: Watchonthewrists : May 27th, 2018-03:41
Was to late with the steel version so when they came with the Titanium one i pulled the trigger . Now the long wait 😬

Excellent choice!

 By: KMII : May 27th, 2018-05:51
Really looking forward to seeing your pictures

Thanks i am looking forward to post some pics too 😉

 By: Watchonthewrists : May 27th, 2018-07:06
Its that long wait now😔

That’s cool news my friend 👍👏 looking forward to seeing it soon

 By: Mike H : May 27th, 2018-07:01
This will be a perfect occasion for celebration 🍾🥂

Thanks my friend .

 By: Watchonthewrists : May 27th, 2018-07:09
Hope to get the mail within a few months so i can plan a pickup at the factory . Would be cool to visit it .

Congratulations on your incoming!

 By: Watchobserver : May 27th, 2018-11:50
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Late entry for charity

 By: MTF : May 27th, 2018-05:38
I may be too late but as I'm waiting for the Monaco F1 Grand Prix, here are wrist and static shots of a watch in the service of charity. Regards, MTF ...  

The Jose Carreras - a great choice, MTF!

 By: KMII : May 27th, 2018-05:41
The lyre shaped lugs and the notes around the minute track - always liked the details of this one. Reminding me - Monaco GP!

From the side, the lugs are musical notes ♪

 By: MTF : May 27th, 2018-05:46
♪ Shaped lugs.... Regards, MTF

Looked like a lyre to me...

 By: KMII : May 27th, 2018-05:49
In the eye of the beholder I guess but you are right of course