Great film, that light saber was such a revolution back then!

Apr 04, 2011,20:46 PM

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May the Force be with you....

 By: RJW : April 4th, 2011-18:08
....ALWAYS. Saw this one this morning. Fantastic. Regards, Richard.

=D cool video! [nt]

 By: DRMW : April 4th, 2011-18:35
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I can see this....

 By: InHavenPro : April 4th, 2011-18:37
becoming an Olympic sport as soon as they're able to contain laser beams . Cheers, Filip

That is a fun match but it should never turn violent because of weapon in hand.

 By: Ruckdee : April 4th, 2011-19:23
I have a toy lightsaber so maybe I can join that red team. Ruckdee...  

I'd be more worried about the cheating...

 By: JTK : April 4th, 2011-19:45
Player: "These may or may not be the droids you're looking for, but that was definitely not over the line..." Line judge: "... as I was saying, that was definitely not over the line."

LOL. [nt]

 By: RJW : April 4th, 2011-19:48

Cool but your true colour is revealed...

 By: RJW : April 4th, 2011-19:46
Isn't the red lightsaber the usual colour of the Sith (Dark side)? Regards, Richard.

I believe it is. Well, I'm not the kind to like having photographs taken.

 By: Ruckdee : April 4th, 2011-21:21
But this lightsaber is too cool to resist. Here's a pic from when I got the thing some five years ago. I have gained maybe five kilos since. Darth Ruckdee...  

No, these are the new improved sabers

 By: RJW : April 4th, 2011-19:50
with variable control energy emission (similiar to phasers in Star Trek: "phasers set to stun"). Regards, Richard.

The force is strong in this one...

 By: ED209 : April 4th, 2011-19:59
Fun video! Regards, ED-209

You know, I'm always exercising my powers of the force ...

 By: RJW : April 4th, 2011-20:05
Particularly when I'm driving Get out of the way @#*& Move over! The lights green. GO! I want a parking spot! Regards, Richard.

Badminton is da bomb sport!

 By: AnthonyTsai : April 4th, 2011-20:24
I played in high school, and it's an extremely intensive sport - you need flexibility, quick reflexes, endurance, and power. I love the game very much! Too bad haven't touched a badminton raquet since high school ended - AT

Certainly a very energetic sport

 By: RJW : April 4th, 2011-20:31
But like table tennis and squash, not a sport I had the quick reflexes for unfortunately. Regards, Richard.


 By: InHavenPro : April 4th, 2011-21:18
I used to play it with my brother in the local park back in Europe .

You and me both...

 By: patrick_y : April 5th, 2011-09:51
Haven't played badminton since high school neither. Missing it very much.

I am going to have to show this one to my kids

 By: grigo : April 4th, 2011-21:26
as Star Wars fans they are going to go crazy and no doubt request to find out where thye can play this sport. Best regards, George

A thought, however,

 By: grigo : April 5th, 2011-01:34
if they ever find out that I attempted to hide it from them they could eventually try to make me regret it. I'll just show them and take the risk. Best regards, George

Now that is crazy! [nt]

 By: amanico : April 4th, 2011-21:54
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How did you obtain a copy of our Jedi training video?

 By: Hororgasm : April 5th, 2011-05:20
I will have to report this security breach to the Jedi Council or we could use it as part of our recruitment campaign. Obi Wan Horo

If that's how you train

 By: RJW : April 5th, 2011-05:34
Where do I sign up? My midi-chlorian blood count is very high (I've been told). Regards, Anikin.

These days we look at cholesterol levels

 By: Hororgasm : April 5th, 2011-06:02
As we do midichlorian. Jokes aside, I am pleasantly pleased to hear that word again! And we all know Anakin has the highest midiclrorian count ever!! Best, Horo