a few random watch thoughts given today's reveals at W&W 2024

Apr 10, 2024,01:57 AM

In 2014, I finally had some means to purchase "nice" watches, mechanical, not quartz. Before then, I had several quartz watches that I really loved (including two Skagens!), but both broke, and could not be repaired. I did not know enough back then to look for someone to replace the quartz movement, which in hindsight should have been pretty simple, although in one the two Skagens the bracelet broke and was unrepairable when I sent it back to Skagen.

Anyhow, since then and over the past 11 (!) years, I have purchased six "nice" watches and still own all six. The last purchase occured about 2.5 years ago. I remain very happy with my six watches, and wear 5 of the six depending on circumstance and activity. For reference, the least I paid was $1100 (msrp!) and of the other five, four were bought with discounts and one also was at msrp. Funnily, I have almost never worn this latter watch, have not bonded with it, but assume one the days I will wear it and the dam will break re enjoying it. My most expensive watch cost circa $7650 (USD). All to say, in the watch universe, my "nice" watches are relatively modest, cost wise (still expensive to non-watch people).

So, with regard to today's novelties, had there been a watch which I really liked, I most likely would have begun the process to buy one.
But none appeal to me, and that is fine. I feel no urge for baseless acquisition, and sometimes think at times like these that the watch manufacturers are doing me great favors!

There are some designs that I would buy in a heartbeat and yet, despite, like many others here, feel my tastes are refined, elegant and shared by many others, the puppeteers who make decisions at many, nay, most if not all of the manufacturers clearly think otherwise. Or maybe they do acknowledge a few watch designs that would sell like hotcakes, but mysteriously never choose to make them.

How do others feel about such thoughts? Do share, as it might make fun reading for many.


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This wasn't a great W&W

 By: indignantdenial : April 10th, 2024-02:21
But IWC made some waves for me with the Horizon blue Portugieser. Rolex is uninteresting as usual, same with lots of high-end manufacturers. I think the IWC Eternal Calendar is the most interesting but I can't afford that. I'll wait for the Swatch Group r... 

I would agree- a somewhat underwhelming W&W 2024

 By: NT931 : April 10th, 2024-03:04
Maybe it's me getting jaded after 13y of collecting, but there wasn't much that caught my eye, or made me go 'wow, cool'.

Similar thoughts

 By: Arronax : April 10th, 2024-03:19
The LUC qualite fleurier in steel is the only one which caught my attention, then again it's about twice as expensive as it should, which makes it a relative bargain compared to the PF Toric I suppose. Anyway, plenty to choose from the used market so I co... 

The only release that blew me away is the new Octo Finissimo Ultra COSC, but that one is well outside my price range.

 By: nafetS : April 10th, 2024-05:09
I did also like the new Laurent Ferrier, but it’s not a complication I would buy. Otherwise I agree there‘s nothing that really made me think about buying it. Not a bad thing, though.